

Mahesh Krishnan

Mahesh Krishnan is the Regional CTO of Fujitsu, driving sustainable digital transformation for their customers in line with Fujitsu’s purpose to make the world more sustainable. Mahesh leverages his strong technical background to influence business through AI and other innovative technology solutions. An author of technical books and a multi-year recipient of Microsoft’s Most Valuable Professional award, Mahesh plays a crucial role in advancing Fujitsu’s sustainability goals through digital innovation.



Kenny Yeo

Kenny Yeo is an analyst with the global security advisory practice and leads the cyber security practice across Asia Pacific. He is currently researching on how technologies like cyber security, IoT, cloud and analytics impact different industries. With more than 20 years of research, consulting, team management and business development experience, he has expertise in segments like cyber security, IoT, smart retail, industrial and e-government. 

Kenny has participated in multiple consulting engagements helping companies with advisory, digital transformation consulting, and shared his thoughts in the media with CNBC Asia, Channel NewsAsia and CGTN, along with publications The Straits Times, South China Morning Post, TODAY, ComputerWeekly, CXOCIETY, Enterprise Innovation and Logistics Insight Asia among others.

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